Han and Chewie have been from one end of this galaxy to the other and feel there’s no better way to learn the art and science of screenwriting than having a trusty COACH at your side - unless you have TWO COACHES! :)

That’s right!

2 Coaches!

2 Sets of Special Skills and Double the Support!

Twice the productivity!

Twice the results!

For a limited time, The Screenplay Factory and Brooks Elms Coaching are teaming up to offer you the most practical, pragmatic, and productive way to transform your screenwriting dreams into reality!

Batman and Robin!

Riggs and Murtaugh!

Buzz and Woody!

Jake and Elwood!

Marty and Doc Brown!

Butch and Sundance!

Thelma and Louise!

Wall-E and Eve!

Han and Chewie!

Those are just some of the most popular and potent team-ups in cinematic history. Now, and for a limited time, there’s a new “DYNAMIC DUO” entering the screenwriting scene:


All fun aside, if you are determined to learn the skills, discipline, and understanding required to successfully complete your screenplay at a professional level, please consider this exciting collaboration between two of the most innovative and results-driven screenwriting coaches in the industry:

BROOKS ELMS (Brooks Elms Coaching)
Brooks Elms is a professional WGA screenwriter with 40+ scripts under his belt. A passionate sports and personal growth coach as well, Brooks has dedicated his life to bringing the best out of his clients. His mastery of mindset and professional development has launched the careers of many writers just like you who have a ton of potential they weren’t even aware of. Now it’s your turn to discover your superpower!

Jordan Morris is a former student of Brooks with professional credits of his own as a TV development executive, producer, director, and actor. His disarming sense of humor and uncanny knack for identifying patterns and developing logical, repeatable, and simple solutions to complex problems quickly made him a mentor in demand with new and emerging writers.


This package is a personalized, 1:1 series of training sessions - with tailored homework assignments between each session that will have you working directly with two different screenwriting coaches over the course of roughly 7 weeks, each focused on different, critical skills and insights that you need to succeed.


If you’ve read books, taken courses, and tried over and over to create a successful screenplay, but continue to fall short for reasons you can’t figure out, this is for you.

If you have a “broken” screenplay that you can’t fix, or just a loose idea of the movie you’d like to write, (and anywhere in between) this is for you.

If you’re tired of theory and want to be personally trained by two of the most sensitive and supportive coaches on the most practical, pragmatic, dependable, repeatable, and personally tailored, process for creating professional-quality screenplays, this is definitely for you.


Our two coaches will take turns working with you, using their specialized skills and experience to give you transformative answers to the following questions:

  • Who am I as a writer?

  • What is my specialty/superpower?

  • Do I have the skills required to succeed at this?
    (* 99% of the time, it is not skill that’s missing - it’s reasonable expectations and a deeper understanding of how the process and the industry actually work - which we will teach you!)

  • What are the stories that only I can write and that will set me apart from the crowd?

  • What gives me an unfair advantage over other writers?

  • Which themes, subjects, and genres can I write most effectively?

  • How do I navigate the industry and behave in a manner that will give me the best possible chance at becoming a paid professional?

  • How do professionals develop and distill their concepts into something that is commercially viable and chock-full of all the required potential before they start writing - aka - How do I avoid “broken screenplay syndrome”?
    (* the best story ideas are extracted, not injected. You can’t just keep throwing ideas into a pot to make it work. It has to have been engineered to work right from the very beginning of the process)

  • How do I create effective, emotionally-resonant character arcs?
    (* Job #1 of the screenwriter is to evoke an emotional response from your audience)

  • How do I use theme in my work in moving, meaningful ways?
    (* Theme is everyone’s personal bogeyman, but it is critical! Without it, no story has meaning or a reason to exist - you are merely describing a series of events, not a story)

  • What are the tricks to creating effective characters, structure, pacing, flow, transitions, conflict, powerful climaxes, and resolutions that audiences demand? And how can I repeat these tricks over and over again on my own?

Our coaches will also share many other invaluable skills, tools, insights, and strategies that screenwriters must have at their disposal to succeed and get paid for their work.

No more “writing by the seat of your pants”. No more “Write it, then fix it” nonsense. That doesn’t work for the vast majority of new and emerging writers! You need to know yourself as a writer, how to get your concept right before you begin writing, and then how to execute that concept at the highest possible level.

If you are interested in possessing those kinds of skills and insights, this is for you!


After the 7 weeks are complete you will possess a long list of new skills, new understanding, and new methodologies on the best, most effective practices available.

You will be set up to succeed at the doorstep of your screenplay’s first draft with a massive amount of support, information, and understanding of how to do your best work.

You will be a creative ally of both coaches and will be able to communicate with them for additional support and insights indefinitely - you’ll be welcomed to the family!
* NOTE: Obviously, this is time-allowing. Brooks and Jordan are committed to each of their clients, but we hope it’s obvious that the clients they are currently working with receive priority attention.

AND…You will also receive a 25-35 page concept “bible” (similar to those used in television to map out an entire series) of your movie idea that details exhaustively everything you need to write a successful first draft. This item alone is completely unique and not available anywhere else - at any price!


Read these testimonials from people who have already worked with Brooks and Jordan:

Hey guys,

Wanted to drop you both a line with regards to the new venture!

Not much to say other than I think this is a great idea and I firmly believe [your two] models fit well together. With reasonable experience of both of your styles of coaching and methodologies, I feel that Jordan's Story Forge concept was amazing for breaking open my script and allowing me to access the story I'd been trying to tell all this time. Whereas Brooks' methods are fantastic at keeping in mind the bigger picture and the process as a whole, so you always feel secure in knowing what your next step in the journey will be, with a clear route to the finish line.

With two soulful experiences for the price of one, writers could end up with a seriously hot story that speaks to audiences on the deepest most profound levels. I'm excited to see what comes of it!

—Murphy Roberts, UK, copywriter

"The seeds Brooks plants in your subconscious will help you blossom into the

writer you want to become -- a writer who strives for greatness."

—Vanar Jaddou Nicholl Fellowship WINNER (Top 5 out of 7200 scripts)

“There is no one else I will ever trust with my story other than Brooks! He truly is

a mastermind. Brooks took what I was struggling with for 8 months, listened

knew immediately what was needed. He's the script savior!

— Katy Silvester Entrepreneur, Screenwriter

In my wildest of dreams, I never would have imagined that I would be able to learn so much so quickly. The Screenplay Factory Program is exactly what I needed, and the coaching sessions are amazing. Jordan Morris is my coach and we meet every week. His suggestions are always helpful and inspiring. Jordan is patient and doesn’t try to speed you along or slow you down. Jordan makes himself available throughout the week if you need assistance or have a question. He works hard to make sure that you learn everything not just for now, but for the future as well. I couldn’t be happier!

— Susan Segovia-Munez, USA, screenwriter

To sign up, ask questions, or arrange a free, no-pressure, no-obligation consult to further explore this offer,
send an email to jordan@thescreenplayfactory.com today!

Jordan Morris

Canadian raconteur. French Bulldog enthusiast. Husband. Subaru driver. Mostly harmless. 


